
Lohengrin Wedding March羅恩格林婚禮進行曲

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歌剧于1850年8月28日在魏玛的大公爵宫廷剧院首演,由李斯特指挥。当时瓦格纳因为参加了1849年德累斯顿革命而被政府通缉,在瑞士逃亡。作曲家本人直到1861年5月15日才在维也纳第一次听到《罗恩格林》全剧的演出。(Lohengrin) is a German composer Wagner created a romantic opera in three acts , The script prepared by the composer himself. Although the composition of historical drama (10 centuries ago of the leaf Brabant), but the nature of fairy-tale opera. Opera inspiration from the Middle Ages, Wolfram von Eschenbach's poem "Titeleier" and "Parsifal" (German for Parzifal, the spelling is different from Wagner's opera "Parsifal" ( Parsifal)). Wagner, in its effort to "Parsifal" again uses the two poems in the story.

Opera in August 28, 1850 at the Grand Duke of Weimar court theater premiere by Liszt command. At that time, as Wagner took part in the 1849 revolution in Dresden, was wanted by the Government, on the run in Switzerland. Composer himself until May 15, 1861 in Vienna was the first time I heard "Lohengrin," the opera performances.

關鍵字:  Lohengrin           Wedding     March     羅恩格林       婚禮     進行曲